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3 Reasons You Might Be Going Bald & What to Do about It

If there’s anything that men fear more than losing their manhood’s, getting fired, or having their sports teams turn turtle, going bald is indeed a significant life-altering event.

Whether it’s because of chemical use or genetics, being unlucky enough to experience some drastic changes in your hairline and hair thickness can put you in a panic over what to expect. And while watching patches of hair slowly fade away is arguably the most difficult part of the entire experience, learning to adapt is just as—if not more—challenging.

Much like going to school for the first time or moving to a new country, being thrust into the experience of having a balding head can be rather scary. However, getting a grip on all the knowledge you need will allow you to adapt and help ensure that you make the most out of going bald instead of letting it take over your life!

Why You’re Experiencing (or About to Experience) Baldness

Generally, thinning hair and balding can become quite noticeable by the time you hit your late twenties, which makes for a rather inopportune time considering there’s much socialization to look forward to. Additionally, every two in three Canadian men are bound to experience some form of male pattern baldness in full effect by the time they’re 35. But why does this happen?

Well, let’s do a quick dive into the most common reasons men go bald:

1. Genetics

Among the different factors that are linked to being causes for balding, genetics unsurprisingly ranks high up the list because of how common it is in the majority of cases. If your father, grandfather, cousins, or uncles have experienced or are experiencing hair loss, the chances are that your scalp is going to meet the same fate over time.

2. Age

Another key factor that is widely seen as a catalyst for male pattern baldness among most men is age. Not to be confused with actual genetic markups, age as a point of causation for hair loss simply lies in the fact that decades of stress, temperature exposure, and inadequate care can all add up. If you’re around the 50s or 60s (or maybe even 40s) range, then you might start seeing your hairline recede bit by bit over time until it all goes away.

3. Smoking and Drinking

Beyond the inevitable, two common reasons men and up drinking come in the form of a tandem between smoking and drinking. And unsurprisingly, both are absolutely terrible for your hair.

In terms of drinking, having at least four alcoholic drinks in a week can elevate one’s chances of experiencing hair loss by a significant amount because of the bodily stress that comes with it. On the other hand, smoking causes male pattern baldness because it ends up restricting the blood flow to your hair follicles—which, in return, results in hair follicle death!

What Can You Do to Avoid Baldness?

Unless you can walk on water and make things float, the chances are that you won’t be able to reverse the effects of balding as the hair on your head bows to no man.

The best thing you can do to deal with male pattern baldness is to get a proper haircut that will allow you to either cover things up or shave things off entirely. With a visit to Scotch And Fades’ shop, our professionals will help find the best hairstyle that will help you best adjust to the inevitable (or near-inevitable)!


Going bald can ultimately make for a rather frightening sight because of all how much it can change in your appearance relatively quickly. By considering the pieces of information above, you can help ensure that you don’t end up letting hair loss take over your life!

Scotch & Fades is a luxury barbershop in Vancouver. If you've got a receding hairline that needs some reviving, our team has got you covered. Schedule an appointment with us today!