5 Qualities That Make Up a Good Barber from Fellow Barbers

Barbershops are essential for men wanting a clean haircut. Like salons for women, men also often go to the same barbers, preferably their whole life. If you’re new in the neighbourhood and are looking for a great barber to do your hair, which qualities do you consider and need?

Although some barbers offer the same services while using the same techniques, they practice different values in the workplace. Here are some qualities that you should observe in barbers coming from fellow barbers themselves.

1. They Maintain a Clean Working Space

Barbers must sterilize their space before and after a customer sits down on their chair. As the service requires personal tools to do the job, they should also clean all needed materials.

If they don’t, the barber is not promoting good customer service. Although they’re good at cutting hair, they should first consider the cleanliness and sanitation of the area where they do all the work and accommodate customers like you.

2. They Provide Excellent Consultation

Barbers should serve as the customer’s guide. They should not be afraid to comment on whether the hairstyle you choose will look best on you.

Instead, they should offer good consultation services to ensure that you get the best service out of what you pay for. A good barber should ask questions, such as your goals or expectations after the service, to ensure that the barber and you are on the same page.

3. They Offer Helpful Instructions for Aftercare

The work of a barber doesn’t stop after the snipping ends. Instead, it should be where it all begins. A good barber should teach their clients the best practices for haircut aftercare.

For example, they should suggest the best products for any hair-related issues their clients may have been experiencing. Although most people do not mind aftercare advice, going the extra mile is always a rewarding experience.

4. They Are Knowledgeable in New Trends

Haircut trends change every few years. Even if men’s haircuts do not change as frequently as women’s do, barbers should stay updated on the latest trends in hair, including better practices for cutting it.

Keeping up-to-date only requires a little research. If people asked a barber what the trendy look is in the future, they would know what they need and what to do to achieve the hairstyle. As you try new things to find your identity, a piece of knowledge of the latest hairstyles wouldn’t hurt anybody.

5. A Good Communicator

A barber shouldn’t only treat their customers as regular people. Instead, they should look at them as friends and build a relationship based on trust and good communication.

Therefore, if a barber tries to strike a conversation with you as soon as you sit down on their chair, they’re the kind of people you can trust and rely on for simple concerns like your hair.


Besides their skills and years of experience, barbers should also promote cleanliness, better aftercare solutions, give good advice about hair, and maintain a good relationship with their clients. After all, they offer more than hair care services but a quality service built on trust and a good connection between two people sharing the same love for hair.

Scotch & Fades may be the best barbershop near you. For clients around the Olympic Village in Vancouver, it is now your time to get the best cut of your life with our dedicated team, ready to give the best hair service. Book an appointment through our website today!


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