Here’s the Deal with Different Beard Lengths

If you have a beard, then you know that it's one of the most important parts of your appearance. A good beard can make you look more attractive and manly, while a bad one can make you look like a total slob.

That's why we're here to help. If you're thinking about growing a beard and want to know what the different beard lengths are, then this article is for you!

We'll give you an overview of the different beard lengths and their inherent benefits and disadvantages so that way, when you go in for your next trim at Scotch & Fades, you'll be able to confidently say: "I want this length."

So what’s the deal with beard lengths? Let’s break it down for you:


This is the baseline. It’s the cleanest, most groomed look you can get. It’s not for everyone, but if it’s what you want, then go for it!


The average beard grows about half an inch per month, so most men can grow a short beard within 10-30 days.

This is the most popular length for men who want to grow out their facial hair but aren't ready for a full-on beard just yet. It's also popular with celebrities like Ryan Gosling and Jake Gyllenhaal, who have distinct cheekbones that make long beards look unkempt.

A 5 o'clock shadow means you won't have to spend hours grooming your facial hair every day - just some basic maintenance and maybe a little trimming once in a while. This length works well for all face shapes because it doesn't require much work at all.

Short Beard

For a classic style with a twist, try the short beard. This cheek-covering hair length is slightly past the stubble phase and offers enough coverage to hide facial blemishes. It's low-maintenance but not completely hairless—your face will look smooth and clean but not over-shaved.

Sporting a short beard is a great way to look stylish without needing to maintain your facial hair. You can wear it with a suit and tie for a professional look or dress it down with jeans and a t-shirt for a more casual look. Simply let your beard grow out for a few weeks, then shape it with a trimmer to get the desired look.

Medium-Length Beard

With a medium-length beard, you'll need to invest some time and energy into maintaining your look. Medium-length beards are all about coverage; if you want to grow facial hair evenly, then you'll love having a medium-length beard because it allows for all areas of your face to be covered, giving you more options when it comes to styling. Unfortunately, if you grow in patches or thin areas of facial hair then a medium-length beard might not work for you.

Long Beard

A long beard is one that covers your chin, cheeks, neckline, and even your upper chest area. This type of beard is usually made up of at least four months’ worth of growth. It’s also referred to as a full beard or an extreme beard by some men who are trying to grow it out.

A long beard is a great way to make a statement. Whether you’re looking to show your rugged side or simply want to look more mature, a long beard can do the trick. However, growing a long beard isn’t as easy as it sounds. In fact, it takes a lot of time, patience, and effort to grow a long beard that looks good.


So, are you ready to take the plunge and grow a beard? Now that we’ve run down all the different styles of beards out there, you can choose from one of many options. Once you start growing your beard and see how it looks on you, don’t be afraid to experiment with some subtle tweaks to see if you can find a look that fits and works for you perfectly.

If you’re looking for good barbers in Downtown Vancouver, check out Scotch & Fades. We’re a luxury barbershop with a modern twist, providing you with the freshest looks. Book an appointment today.


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