Scotch and Fades

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How to Grow a Beard and How Long Does It Take to Grow One

There are factors as to how long your beard can grow. Typically, a person develops a full beard in about two to four months. Your beard can grow longer when you start taking care of it. You only need to maintain it. Never forget to trim it regularly, use beard balm and beard oil, and be patient.

Factors in Facial Hair Growth

Hair growing conditions can be very volatile and depend on various factors. This is why some hairstyles need to be tailor-fit to your situation. If you’re wondering what makes your hair the way it is, here are some variables you should consider:

1. Your Age

Psychologically, it is acceptable for a younger man to have a longer beard than an older man. Traditionally, the beard is also regarded as a sign of maturity and wisdom.

According to the experts, men between the ages of 20-30 experience the fastest beard growth. Your beard might grow slightly quicker when you’re young, but your beard will decrease in thickness and speed of development when you’re old.

2. Your Race and Genetics

People of a certain race are more likely to have a specific type of facial hair. For example, it is common for the people of the Mediterranean region to have fuller and thicker facial hair. On the other hand, Japanese people, for example, grow little facial hair.

A person’s genetics also play a role in how fast your facial hair can grow. If your ancestors can grow a perfectly trimmed beard, you’re more likely to grow facial hair.

3. Your Environment and Stress

Your environment and stress can influence the way your facial hair grows. It is a fact that people living in more extreme weather conditions are more likely to experience faster facial hair growth. On the other hand, people experiencing more stress are more likely to experience slower facial hair growth. In fact, prolonged stress is even tied to faster hair loss rates.

Ways How to Improve the Growth of Your Beard

If you are concerned about the growth rate of your beard, some ways could you. The first thing you should do is stop shaving your beard for about four weeks.

The next thing you should do is to try to eat protein-rich foods like fish, chicken and eggs. As you see, all of them are protein-rich foods. The protein will promote hair growth and make your beard thicker. You can try to consume no less than 30 grams of protein daily.

Besides adjusting your diet, water is essential to help you keep hydrated, especially for hair and skin. You should drink eight glasses of water each day for better health.

Since your biology is tied to your hair’s growth, you should also look to follow a fitness plan. Exercises improve your mood and lose weight; they also increase your testosterone levels, responsible for hair growth. In addition to a healthy diet, exercising and avoiding stressful situations are important for better beard growth.

To get that perfect look of a beard and maintain it, look for barber shops near you that could assist you in getting the perfect beard.


Beard care may be a complicated and stressful task for many male species. It requires you to maintain a clean and well-groomed face with a beard. Most people believe that growing a beard can take a lot of effort and time. However, it is not valid. If you have the proper knowledge, you can develop a long beard that can add some variety to your personality.

If you are looking for top barbers in Vancouver, Scotch and Fades are all you need. We offer services in the most relaxed and safest environment to ensure the best for your experience. Book an appointment today!