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Why a Man Like You Should Get a Buzz Cut from a Mens’ Barber

A buzz cut is a hairstyle where one's hair is cut very short, usually with electric clippers, and is only a few millimetres from the scalp. It is a popular choice for men who want a low-maintenance hairstyle. You should if you’ve not considered this style that boasts near-skin-length locks. These five reasons should help:

Reason #1: It’s a Reinvention or Restart

If we think of confidence as being closely linked to our hair, then it follows that our ego is also closely linked to our hair. A buzz cut provides an opportunity to remove the superficial layer of vanity we so often allow to weigh us down.

The military buzzes the heads of recruits to remove or reduce individuality and reinforce the singularity of the unit. In contrast, Tibetan monks buzz their heads to distance themselves from vanity and the ego.

Buzzing your hair or getting it done through a men’s barber can be a way of taking control of your appearance and changing the way you feel about yourself. It can be a cathartic experience, helping you to let go of negative feelings and start fresh.

Reason #2: It Reframes Others’ Perception of You

When we see someone with great hair, we cannot help but admire it and maybe even feel jealous. On the other hand, if we see someone with really bad or off-putting hair, we might not want to get too close.

There is no clear reason for whether women are more attracted to men with short hair or men with long hair. Some people say that women are more attracted to men with short hair, while others claim that women are more attracted to those from the opposite sex with long hair. The answer to this question is probably different for each woman.

Some people view men with short hair as more masculine and attractive, while others find men who spend most of their time on hair unappealing. Either way, a buzz cut is a nice way to shake how others perceive you.

Reason #3: It’s Easy to Take Care of

The buzz cut is a super quick and easy hairstyle that requires very little upkeep, even at a men’s barber. It's perfect for anyone who doesn't want to spend much time on their hair. If you don't feel like showering one day, you could get away with it. Make sure you don't do it too often, or people will start to notice. If you shower or bathe, you’ll use significantly less shampoo, conditioner, and hair product for cleaning and styling!

This means you can spend fewer minutes in the shower and not worry about styling your hair afterwards. With this hairstyle, you can go from the beach to the pool to the bar without restyling your hair.

If you're worried about your crowning glory getting messed up on a windy day, don't be. You can roll down the windows on the highway without worrying about your hair. Your friends think you have good luck and want to share it by rubbing your head. Your hairstyle won’t be affected, so it’s all good.

Get Your Buzz at Scotch & Fades Today

Looking for a men’s barber in Vancouver that offers fresh buzz cuts and a manly drink to match? Book your appointment today at Scotch & Fades. Are you new to our community? Visit here to get $10 off on your first haircut!