Exclusive Club Access

Introducing Loyalty Access by Scotch and Fades. Be a part of an exclusive club and get access to offers, private sales, events and giveaways. Membership is available only through invitation.

Terms and Conditions -

1. Get 1 stamp for every 10-year exp service you book at Scotch and Fades.
2. Collect 10 stamps to earn the reward.
3. The offer can not be combined with any other offer or coupon.
4. The card needs to be shown to earn/redeem rewards.
5. Offer can't be redeemed online while booking.
6. Stamps and rewards cannot be exchanged, returned, replaced or bought with cash.
7. Cards cannot be transferred and combined with other cards.
8. We reserve the right to refuse services.
9. Loyalty card valid for 1 year from the date of activation.